Executive Stakeholders in Managed Travel Grapple with Multiple Concerns

Executive-level stakeholders in managed travel programs are grappling with multiple concerns about their internal company programs while keeping a watchful eye on a wide variety of outside developments that could impede domestic and international business travel in the next 12 months.

Among four key stakeholder groups—including C-suite, finance, procurement and HR executives—the majority are receiving all the reports and data sets they need to fulfill their responsibilities, and most are fully satisfied with their involvement in, and impact on, their managed travel programs. Key highlights include:

  • Traveller safety and well-being was the top concern for the biggest percentage of respondents survey-wide (46%), and for more than half (54%) of CEOs/COOs surveyed.
  • Traveller satisfaction is also a top concern for 39% of CEOs/COOs— higher than for other stakeholders.
  • One-third of HR respondents, 26% of procurement executives, and 24% of finance executives surveyed included traveller satisfaction among their three top concerns.

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