Ready to flip the switch for the next disruption in business continuity?

Ready to flip the switch for the next disruption in business continuity?

The disruptive environment of the pandemic has unified our workforce through empathy, humility, and resourcefulness, all of which have helped promote business continuity. Communication and work policies around business travel have become more focused on ensuring employee safety in addition to compliance. Managers assessing whether to approve a business trip must determine if it’s worth both the financial and human capital risks. Building contingency plans around the outcomes for business continuity is also about being ready to flip the switch when the next disruption occurs.

Listen in to a Vice President of the Value Experience Group at SAP Concur solutions and a Consulting Director at Huron Consulting Group, on how organisations are shifting from measuring the ROI of travel to the Return on Travel (ROT). From car rentals to pre-approvals and home office environments, they discuss the new focal points of a resilient travel and expense program that’s ready for the next disruption in business continuity.